COVID-Disrupted Regional Innovation Ecosystems
- Duration: 1st phase 1.3.2023–1.3.2026 and 2nd phase 1.3.2026–1.3.2027
- Project webpage
- Lead Partner: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Partners: Údarás na Gaeltachta (Ireland), West Romania Regional Development Agency (Romania), Regional Government of Cantabria (Spain), Laval Mayenne Technopole (France), and the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia (Finland)
- Funding programme: Interreg Europe 2021-2027
- Total budget: 1.41 million euros
- Regional Stakeholder Group: Into Seinäjoki, Järvi-Pohjanmaan Yrityspalvelu, Leader Kuudestaan, Leader Liiveri, Leader Suupohja, Sedu Vocational School, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, South Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, South Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, South Ostrobothnia Work Integration for Immigrants Service (WIISE), University Consortium of Seinäjoki, and University of Vaasa
The Project in Short
The goal of the CODIL project is to help regions update their innovation policy tools after the Corona virus, so that they successfully support emerging innovation in decentralized teams and its key factor, skilled and mobile knowledge workers.
The main product of the project will be analyses on the regions, in the topics of:
- The region’s competence to utilize new technologies, such as artificial intelligence or cyber security
- Location-based and social factors
- Financial incentives for knowledge workers and companies
- Targeted support for innovation activities in non-knowledge-intensive sectors
Project news
Here we gather news from the project’s progress:
- 09/23 The first CODIL project video is now released
- 11/23 CODIL Interregional Knowledge Transfer Event hosted at South Ostrobothnia
- 11/23 Article on the second Project Partner meeting at Seinäjoki, published in the “Greetings from South Ostrobothnia” -newsletter
Documents produced by the project
Here you can find summaries of the documents produced by the project. You can request the full document from us by email.