Guidance Documents

Two of the regional strategies and action plans of the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia target especially the development and promotion of international activities. The action plan of internationalisation and the strategy of smart specialisation both follow the guidelines of the regional strategy and the regional action plan, but they emphasize internationalisation in their contents and goals. The purpose of these documents is on the one hand to describe and strengthen the region’s will to become more international and on the other hand to offer a framework which justifies international activity.

South Ostrobothnia’s internationalisation action plan

South Ostrobothnia’s internationalisation action plan ”Vitality from Internationalisation” (summary in English) was updated in 2019 (The managing board of the Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia, 17 September 2019). The purpose of the action plan is to promote discussion and interaction on internationalisation in the region.

Smart Specialisation strategy 2021-2027

Smart Specialisation strategy 2021-2027 “South Ostrobothnia of Tomorrow” is part of the Regional Programme section of the Regional Strategy. The Regional Strategy was approved by the Regional Assembly in December 2021.

Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2021-2027 (in English, pdf)

Summary of the Regional Strategy

Summary of the Regional Strategy “Huomisen Lakeus” (“South Ostrobothnia of Tomorrow”), which was approved in December 2021.

Summary of the Regional Strategy (in English, pdf)

South Ostrobothnia Immigration Programme

The Regional Strategy recognises concerns about the demographic development of the region. The long-term goal of the strategy is to adapt to declining demographics and to stabilise the demographic structure on a sustainable basis. The regional strategy proposes doubling net immigration compared to 2019 levels as one of the solutions. This Immigration Programme is therefore centrally linked and contributes to the implementation of the objectives of the Regional Strategy.

South Ostrobothnia Immigration Programme (in English, pdf)